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A reminder as to why it's best to leave driving a speedboat REALLY fast to professional drivers in safety restraint systems.

A reminder as to why it's best to leave driving a speedboat REALLY fast to professional drivers in safety restraint systems.
Warning! Violent video!

Seven boaters were injured and five were hospitalized with minor to moderate injuries as a result of a bizarre accident--which was caught on videotape--Friday on Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks. Viewers should note that the footage shows the extremely violent nature of an accident that occurred when the powerboat Fountain encountered wakes caused by another boat.

As viewers can see, none of the passengers was wearing a life jacket or any kind of protective gear, while clearly traveling at high speed.

3 comentatori

director Friday, September 21, 2012 at 11:03:00 PM GMT+3

Bine ca nu si-au pierdut ochelarii :))

Popescu Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 3:17:00 PM GMT+3

Un eveniment tragic!

Laptop Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 12:58:00 PM GMT+3

Era mai bine daca statea toata ziua in fata laptopului, incat sa se accidenteze asa de grav. Vedeti, internetul ramane totusi cu mai putine pericole decat sportul in natura.

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